Summertime Tips for Kids with Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants

Summer time is filled with hot days and water fun! Below are some tips and tricks for maintaining cochlear implants and hearing aid equipment for kids with hearing loss throughout the warm months to avoid damage. Hearing Aids Earmold care Develop a routine for rinsing off earmolds to eliminate any sunscreen/bug spray/bubbles that may have […]

In Memory of FHSR founding Board Member, Louise Hart

Louise Hart, long time Board Director, passed away peacefully at her home on May 1, 2020 at the age of 99.  As a founding member of the Foundation for Hearing & Speech Rehabilitation (FHSR), Mrs. Hart helped to shape the mission of the Foundation and provided an unmatched level of commitment to helping individuals who are living with hearing loss.

Tips for Successful Virtual Learning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Kids

tips for home learning for DHH kids

2020 has not looked like any other year we have seen, causing parents and caregivers to wear even more hats when it comes to their children’s education.  Parents and Caregivers have become science teachers, gym teachers, lunch room helpers and art instructors (to name a few) as schools have moved to online classrooms.  With a […]

Supporting Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children from Identification to Education : Video Recording Now Available

2020 FHSR Speaker Series

The FHSR Speaker Series 2020: Supporting Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children from Identification to Education webinar recording is now available.   Video webinar preview The original FHSR Speaker Series event occurred on February 6, 2020 at Columbia College in Chicago, Illinois and featured experts in pediatric hearing loss discussing the current best practices during the journey of DHH children […]

Reading: It’s More Than Just the Words on a Page

You have heard it a thousand times before: Reading is one of the most important things you can do for your child! Reading provides children with rich language, but it’s more than reading the words on the page. It allows for things like vocabulary practice, predictions, exposure to written words, perspective taking, emotion words, and […]

Listening, Language, and Speech: Activities for At-Home Learning

This is a troublesome time for the world right now, with a lot of uncertainty surrounding what will happen next. Schools have shut down and parents have taken on the unique role to support student learning in a way like never before.Have no fear! There are so many activities you can do with your child […]